a little girl and a toddler looking at a turtle at the Cape Town Aquarium

Here is a nice siblings bonding activity. It is not always easy to find an activity that appeals to children of different ages. We love going to the aquarium. We are lucky because living in Cape Town we have access to a wonderful aquarium.

Children of all ages love it. My 18 month old boy is happy to walk around, he is just amazed at the things that move in the aquariums. We take advantage of this to start teaching him the words fish, worms, sharks… My 4 year old daughter is happy to observe the animals, to learn their names and their specificities. She is beginning to know the clown fish and the different species of sharks. Each visit is an opportunity to learn new things.

Indeed, the aquarium offers different levels of reading and learning that can be easily adapted to the age of each child. Moreover, as everything takes place in the same enclosure, it is an easy outing to manage if you are the only adult with several young children. The children ask to go back every week. It’s so rewarding to see them having fun and sharing good times together.

If you are lucky enough to have an aquarium near your home, don’t hesitate to organise a family outing there.

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